3 years ago I stopped buying meat. Whoa… Whoa… Easy. I didn’t become a vegetarian. Far from it. In fact, Meatless Monday would cost me more than it would save me. Here is how I get my family of 5 (… Ok, one is a baby…) enough meat for a year, without ever buying it from […]
Egg Laying Chickens, farm fresh eggs, the economics of an egg, hens, roosters, and raising chicks on a homestead
Chickens… They are the “gateway” animal. That’s how our farm started. It seems every homesteader and wannabe farmer starts with a flock of hens. But should they be? Do egg layers make financial sense in a world of $2 per dozen eggs? Listen to this months episode to find out! Check out this episode!
5 Reasons Farmers Beat Preppers
Prepping has captured a lot of press lately. Between Nat-Geos show, the whole zombie thing, and numerous blogs and podcasts covering the subject, it seems that everyone has started digging their own bunker in the backyard. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being prepared. I just feel that farming is the better […]
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I enjoy sharing great products that I love and use with my followers and fans. Some of our links to products found on the thisishomesteady.com website are affiliate links, where I may receive some form of compensation for sharing. However, I am always 100% honest in my opinion of these products and will never be […]
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At Homesteady we truly value our fans and followers. To best suit them we collect information about who they are, as well as their email addresses and interests. We do this through our opt in registrations and forms, as well as analytic tracking through google adwords. We collect information to see what our fans and […]
SHORT: Farming chickens, pigs, and hunting… How homesteaders can stop buying meat from the supermarket
3 years ago I stopped buying meat. Woa… Woa… Easy. I didn’t become a vegetarian. Far from it. In fact, Meatless Monday would cost me more than it would save me. Here is how I get my family of 5 (… Ok, one is a baby…) enough meat for a year, without ever buying it from […]