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In the most recent Homesteady Podcast, K and I sat down to talk about which 3 animals the beginner Homesteader should be raising (AND PROCESSING!) on their homestead! RAISE MEAT ANIMALS. There is no easier way to shrink your grocery bill AND fill the freezer with the help of your homestead. Think about it… Gardening […]
Raising Sheep for Meat… What to Know to Get Started
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GROW AND PROCESS Your Own Meat in the Days Ahead!
LIVE SHOW TONIGHT… ALL ABOUT THE ECONOMY AND HOW TO PROSPER IN THE HARD DAYS AHEAD… But First Recent events on our homestead have pushed us into doing something we have wanted to do for years… Build a homestead butcher shop. This is not some big expensive fancy butcher facility. This is a simple place […]
The Best Food Money CAN’T Buy
I had the best chicken of my life this week. The worst part… It was not chicken… Let me explain. Last week my pup and I had a successful bird hunt, and we brought home our first pheasant rooster for dinner! I did a bunch of research on how to have a great tasting bird, […]
Milk in the Fridge and Meat in the Freezer
Wake up, put on warm cloths, and head outside in cold November morning. Walking out to the barn, cleaning the area, getting the cows in place, milking, cleaning again, bringing it all inside, straining and separating, cooling, and cleaning. All to do it again that evening. Is it worth it? All this work? OH YEA […]