Mt Everest. Ever heard of it? Of course you have. The world’s highest mountain. The top of the world. There are only a handful of people who have can say they have made that journey to the top.
Want to know how to do it? Ill tell you. You just take 58,070 steps.
Thats it.
58,070 steps are all thats in between you and the best cocktail party story ever.
Step back from that fact, and Mt. Everest seems to loom above you as an unreachable goal. Something you could never do.
And yet, the average American takes around 5,000 steps a day. That means in just 2 weeks from reading this email, you will have scaled Mount Everest…
Think that’s cool?
The Oregon trail that adventurous pioneers took from Missouri to the West Coast… 2170 miles long. On average a person takes 2000 steps in a mile. That means the oregon trail was 4,340,000 steps long. In a little over two years you will have made it to your new claim out West. That is if you dont get dysentery first…
Oh, yeah, and one more epic journey you will have completed in just 712 days from now…
The journey Frodo takes to Mordor to pitch the ring into the fires of Mount Doom!
Thats right, acording to, (a site im so glad I found) its just a 1779 mile walk from the shire to Mount Doom.

So… what’s the point, Precious?
Do you need a wizard to make it homesteading?
The point is that when you stumble upon this Homesteady movement, a life of self-sufficiency can look like a trip to Mount Doom (something only capable if you had the help of 2 buff guys, an archer elf, an ax wielding troll, wizard…)
Growing your own food… maybe…. Heating your house with wood…Ugh… Killing wild animals and butchering them yourself… NO WAY, JOSE!
Don’t worry. A life of self sufficiency isn’t as hard as it can seem! Just a few years back, I had never held a chicken, grown a carrot, or fileted a fish. Now at our farm, we grow veggies year round, harvest dairy and eggs, and put up enough meat to last all year. And we save a ton of money doing it.
We’re going to take you on this journey with us. We’ll be your fellowhsip. Tired of the nerd references? Ok, we’ll be your oxen. Or sherpas.
We’re going to help you break this life of self-sufficiency into tiny little steps. Every journey is just a bunch of little steps.
And when your done? Look out cocktail parties! We’ve got a new Everest story to tell.
Pack your bags…and get ready for the next step in our series…21 steps toward self-sufficiency.
Join the Email List to make sure you don’t miss the next part in our series…. 21 steps towards self-sufficiency
BTW, it was an ax wielding dwarf. 🙂
Never heard of NerdFitness, will have to check it out.
Wow. As a big fan of LOTR, Im very embarrassed. Move over Brian Williams, theres another apology to add to the nightly news! I’d fix it Terry, but as punishment, I think I will leave it up.
I’m glad someone else cleared that up so i didn’t have to prove how nerdy i am. I’m glad there are other nerds trying to make a go of it.
Based on my calculations that a dwarfs stride is 24″ and each movie uncut is 2.5 hours on average adding the distance an elf can ski on a shield i calculate the journey to be 1689 miles but the conversion is not exact from quarceps +/- 0.5 miles.
Bags packed. Ready.
Cant wait lead on
Ready when you are!
I may have to ask my sons for help with some of the nerdy references…but, I’m totally ready!
Ready and waiting my friend!!!
I don’t care what they say, I think you’re a GOOD writer. Maybe the facts are a little bit skewed, but that’s not my point! You’re funny and an enjoyable read, count me in!
I loved reading this- it made me realize that I am not alone in the world, and that there are a whole crowd that dwell in a ‘details’ driven reality.